Global Posts and Zip Codes

At Global Posts and Zip Codes we belive every individual must have a geolocation, which is essentially their address, but not necessarily a P. O. Box address. It is a point at which they receive their posts and any other private or official documents. A Post Box Service, nevertheless plays a vital role in the economy. The provision of a post or zip code enables society to interact with other geopositions, usually by the aid of a geodirection service. All these services have been made possible by what one may consider under the umbrella term Global Positioning System.

About Us


At Global Posts and Zip Codes, we believe every individual, building, structure, body of water, other significant mass or other point on the globe must have and is indeed assigned a geolocation point that is of interest to the wider society.

For our purpose, the individuals and the places they inhabit is significant and must be assigned a geolocation provided by coordinates established as far back as in the 3rd Century.

In the modern world, the birth-death and in-between continuum has a geolocation point, which is provided by a post or zip code. Further, a person is likely to access services; like schools, medical services, financial, banking, social security, transport, postal and sundry services provided in the community.


Governments, on the other hand are interested in the sovereignty of the State in maintaining peace, harmony, law and order. They have the added responsibility of providing services to the population in; agriculture, schools, universities, health care, roads, parks, housing, military and police services etc. Governments must ensure that whatever the politics, institutions and processes, wards, boroughs, districts and relevant political boundaries are in place for the functioning of a successful process. They must collect taxes, provide social security benefits for sections of the society and facilitate the provision of health care. In maintaining law and order, the whereabouts of known offenders is of importance to the justice system.


Visitors like tourists, to a country are interested in knowing where their hotel is located, their Embassy or High commission and the places in the country they wish to see.


Invariably, everyone or institutions must use the geolocation to the place of interest. Post and Zip codes are the sources of direction of pin pointing all these places.


Post and Zip codes carry the personal touch for letters parcels and other orders from businesses, they do this instead of Post Boxes, which are now used for impersonal and discreet use of sending messages by way of letters or parcels.

Finally Post and Zip codes provide the potential for more commercial and business opportunities for enhancing the economic prospects of a country and the wider society at large.

Global Countries Posts and Zip Codes

Global Posts and Zip Codes Af to Zim International Phone Codes


Afghanistan +93


Albania +355


Algeria + 213


American Samoa + 1-684


Andorra + 376


Angola + 244


Anguilla + 1-264


Antarctica + 672


Antigua and Barbuda +1-268


Argentina + 64


Armenia + 374


Aruba +297


Australia + 61


Austria + 43


Azerbaijan + 994


Aland Island + 358




Bahamas + 1-242


Bahrain + 973


Bangladesh + 880


Barbados + 1-246


Belarus + 375


Belgium + 32


Belize + 501


Benin + 229


Bermuda + 1-441


Bhutan +975


Bolivia + 591


Bosnia Herzegovina + 387


Botswana + 267


Brazil + 55


British Indian Ocean Ter + 246


British Virgin Islands + 1-284


Brunei + 673


Bulgaria +359


Burkina Faso + 226


Burundi + 257


Cambodia + 855


Cameroon + 237


Canada + 1


Cape Verde + 238


Cayman Island + 1-345


Central African Repub. + 236


Chad + 235


Chile + 56


Christmas Island + 61


Cocos Island + 61


Colombia + 57


Comoros + 269


Cook Islands + 682


Costa Rica + 506


Croatia + 385


Cuba + 53


Curacao + 599


Cyprus + 357


Czech Repub. + 420


D Repub of Congo + 243


Denmark + 45


Djibouti + 253


Dominica + 1-767


Dominican Repub. + 1-809, 1-829 1-849

East Timor + 670


Ecuador + 593


Egypt + 20


El Salvador + 503


Equatorial Guinea + 240


Eritrea +291


Estonia + 375


Ethiopia + 251


Falkland Islands + 500


Finland + 358


France + 33


French Polynesia + 689


Gabon + 241


Gambia + 220


Georgia + 995


Germany + 49


Ghana + 233


Gibraltar + 350


Greece + 30


Greenland + 299


Grenada + 1-473


Guam + 1-671


Guatemala + 502


Guernsey + 44-1481


Guinea + 224


Guinea Bissau + 245


Guyana + 592


Haiti + 509


Honduras + 504


Hong Kong + 852


Hungary + 36


Iceland + 354


India + 91


Indonesia + 62


Iran + 98


Ireland + 353


Israel + 972


Italy + 39


Ivory Coast + 225


Jamaica + 1-876


Japan + 81


Jersey + 44-1534


Jordan + 962


Kazakhstan + 7


Kenya + 254


Kiribati + 686


Kosovo + 383


Kuwait + 965


Kyrgyzstan + 996


Laos + 856


Latvia + 371


Lebanon + 961


Lesotho + 266


Liberia + 231


Libya + 218


Liechtenstein + 423


Lithuania + 370


Luxembourg + 352


Macau + 853


Macedonia + 389


Madagascar + 261


Malawi + 265


Malaysia + 60


Maldives + 960


Mali + 223


Malta + 356


Marshall Islands 692


Mauritania + 222


Mayotte + 262


Mexico + 52


Micronesia + 691


Moldova + 373


Monaco + 377


Mongolia + 976


Montenegro + 382


Montserrat + 1-664


Morocco + 212


Mozambique + 258


Myanmar + 95


Namibia + 264


Libya + 218


Nauru + 674


Nepal + 977


Netherlands + 31


Netherlands Antilles + 599


New Caledonia + 687


New Zealand + 64


Nicaragua + 505


Niger + 227


Nigeria + 234


North Korea + 850


N. Mariana Islands + 1-670


Norway + 47


Oman + 968


Pakistan + 92


Palau + 680


Palestine + 970


Panama + 507


Papua New Guinea + 675


Paraguay + 595


Peru + 51


Philippines + 63


Pitcairn + 64


Poland + 48


Portugal + 351


Puerto Rico + 1-787 1-939


Qatar + 974


Repub. Of Congo + 242


Reunion + 262


Russia + 7


Romania + 40


Rwanda + 250


St Barthelemy + 590


 St Helena + 290


St Kitts and Nevis + 1-869


St Lucia + 1-758


St Martin + 590


St Pierre and Miquelon + 508


St Vincent and the Grenadines + 1-784

Samoa + 685


San Marino + 378


Sao Tome and Principe + 239


Saudi Arabia + 966


Senegal + 221


Serbia + 381


Seychelles + 248


Sierra Leone + 232


Singapore + 65


Sint Maarten + 1-721


Slovakia + 421


Slovenia + 386


Solomon Islands + 677


Somalia + 252


S. Africa + 27


South Sudan + 211


Spain + 34


Sri Lanka + 94


Sudan + 249


Suriname + 597


Svalbard and Jan Mayen + 47


Swaziland + 268


Sweden + 46


Switzerland + 41


Syria + 963


Taiwan + 886


Tajikistan + 992


Tanzania + 255


Thailand + 66


Togo + 228


Tokelau + 690


Trinidad and Tobago + 1-868


Tonga + 676


Tunisia + 216


Turkey + 90


Turkmenistan + 993


Turks and Caicos Is. 1-649


Tuvalu + 688


US Virgin Is. + 1-340


Uganda + 256


Ukraine + 380


United Arab Emi. + 971


United Kingdom + 44


United States + 1


Uruguay + 598


Uzbekistan + 998


Vanuatu + 678


Vatican + 379


Vietnam +


Wallis and Futuna + 681


Western Sahara + 212


Yemen + 967


Zambia + 260


Zimbabwe + 263




Contact Us






Ghana Profile

Global Posts and Zip Codes


Capital Accra


Head of State



Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo



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